Optimize economic efficiency and reduce costs by consolidating all workover and drilling information
Our specialists have gained significant experience in addressing the problems of planning and accounting for current and capital well workovers and drilling operations.
The Digital Well Maintenance solution helps E&P companies to:
reduce manual input of information for the well including current repair and workover of wells, drilling operations, and analytical reporting;
ensure transparency of the well current repair and workover process, drilling operations by involving specialists of all units and departments in a single information space;
reduce time losses for approval and signing of primary documents for repairs due to the built-in electronic document management system with control functions;
strengthen the functions of monitoring the progress of work on wells by setting up integration with instrumental control;
significantly reduce the risks of information loss;
organize quick access to all information on current repairs and workovers of wells, drilling operations.
The product has been implemented at several large and medium-sized E&P operators producers achieving the following effects from the implementation:
reduction in downtime caused by workover and drilling crews by 15-20%;
reduction in the time for operational and analytical reports (from days and hours to a few seconds).